You can read and download the Strategic Plan here.
The past three years have been challenging to be sure, but also extremely successful in many ways. We discovered as an agency that we can adapt our services to continue to meet the needs of seniors in the community. We developed new programming in 2020, such as Shop for a Senior, which later fit perfectly into our new volunteer program, Compassion in Action, which began in 2022. We were able to bring Medina County Adult Protective Service under the MCSAS umbrella in 2021. Having these services as part of MCSAS expands the wraparound services available to seniors of Medina County.
The agency began the 2023-2025 strategic planning session with a community survey in September 2022. These survey results were taken and discussed at our strategic planning session, which took place on October 5, 2022. The strategic planning team included senior center participants, staff, advisory council members and foundation board members. The report before you is a result of the survey and the work session.
Take this opportunity to read through the document and see the improvements, changes and expansions that we are planning over the next three years. We continue to strive for the best for the seniors of Medina County.